Data & Regulatory expectations for RSE’s
Wed, May 29
|Virtual Event
We are pleased to invite you to a presentation hosted by RegCentric, focusing on the recent changes in superannuation regulations and their impact on senior stakeholders. With KPMG as guest speakers, this session will help RSEs understand how to navigate these new obligations.

Time & Location
May 29, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Virtual Event
About the Event
In line with APRA’s focus to improve transparency across the superannuation industry and strengthen accountability for RSE licensees, there are a growing number of intersectional obligations RSE’s are expected to comply with. Understandably, the industry have been faced with a number of challenges in interpreting these requirements along with their impacts.
We are pleased to invite you along to this presentation hosted by RegCentric on understanding the wider implication of these changes and their impact on senior stakeholders. KPMG will be joining us as guest speakers to help RSE’s understand how to navigate these obligations, practically what RSE’s should be focussed on and what key learnings can be applied from other APRA regulated industries.
Webinar Agenda:
- Understanding the APRA landscape including expectations of RSE’s through the Super Data Transformation Phase 2, FAR, CPS230 and APRA’s letter on data submission expectations
- How should RSE’s navigate these intersectional obligations, including where the challenges lie and why it is important to manage your data risk
- Recommendations on practical next steps to take and align to better practice
- Enabling Technology: options and considerations