Regulatory Reporting - How regulators can drive industry-wide efficiency.
Thu, Oct 22
Time & Location
Oct 22, 2020, 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM GMT+11
About the Event
Both the regulator and reporting entities carry a large burden due to the inefficiencies in the current regulatory reporting process.
Regulators spend significant effort in publishing regulatory reporting standards, guidelines and reports; and the industry in returns spends signficant resources into interpreting the requirements, building reporting solutions and run monthly reporting processes which are complex, tedious and often result in outputs of questionable quality.
This regulatory reporting value chain has largely remained unchanged for decades.
Regulators however realise that they need timely access to high quality information at granular levels in order to understand market dynamics and systemic risks and to perform their supervisory duties effectively and efficiently.
In this webinar we will cover how regulators can create machine readable regulation and how they can leverage the latest advances in technology such as data streaming and API gateways to deliver a robust and efficient regulatory reporting system for regulators and the entities they supervise.